FINRA Fingerprint Ink Card Submission Tips

Explore the importance of ink card fingerprinting for travel nurses. Learn about its role in licensing, where to get it done, and how to avoid delays.

Tips On FINRA Fingerprint Ink Card (FD-258)

Print Clearly
Writing your full name and physical description neatly on the card(s) helps ensures the processed is done timely manner by the FBI. If the information provided on the fingerprint ink card is not legible, the card will be rejected by the FBI.

Write In Black Ink
There are a lot of agencies that still require forms to be completed ONLY in black ink. Don’t find out the hard way, the FBI still requires all ink cards to be completed in black ink.

Double Check Your Work
Always go over and make sure you have accurately completed all the necessary data fields before submitting your fingerprint ink card(s) to FINRA:

  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Sex
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair color
  • Eye color

Provide Your Employer’s Info
Be sure to enter your employer’s name, address, and org number on the fingerprint card(s). This is important, fingerprint ink cards can get separated during processing when they are delivered n batches from varies agencies. Having incomplete company information can delay or prevent your employee from every getting your background results.

OCA Barcode
Make sure your fingerprint ink card(s) contain a barcode. If your card does not have one just check with your requesting agency or California Live Scan Fingerprinting Centers (CAL-LIVE) for a “barcode sticker”; the sticker is to be placed in “OCA” field on your ink card(s). You can contact us at (888) 448-0848 for more information.

Fingerprint In Black Ink
Take your fingerprints ONLY in black ink. California Live Scan Fingerprinting Centers and Network Members are well aware to take your fingerprints in black ink. If another “professional” agency is trying to take your prints in any other color besides black, run, run quickly! =)

The fingerprinting process involves capturing the image of the ridge formation on the pads of an applicant’s fingers. Unless provided the requesting agency, most applicants are sent out to obtain their own Fingerprint Ink Card. In most cases this is not a quick and simple task. Try calling the fingerprinting facility ahead of time to ensure that have the correct cards and are qualified to perform the ink fingerprinting or contact us today at (888) 448-0848.

Your CRD Number
Write your CRD Number in the “CRD Number” field on your ink card.

Avoid Highlighting
Do not highlight any information or any portion of the fingerprint card. The FBI will reject any fingerprint ink card with highlighting on it.

Our customers are always pleased to learn that the required FBI’s FD-258 Ink Fingerprint Cards are available at most of our California Live Scan Fingerprinting Centers at no additional cost.