Majority of our California Live Scan Fingerprint Centers prepare and roll on standard FBI Ink Fingerprint Cards FD-258 or the equivalent issued by various agencies and state governments for professional licenses, pre-employment screening, criminal record background checks for child-care and home-care positions, visas and passports, applications for immigration into such other countries as Canada and Australia, name change petitions and other reasons that may require FBI Police Verification (Clearance Letters).
The Fingerprint cards will be prepared only by DOJ & FBI certified fingerprint technicians. All cards will be signed by your attending technician along with their DOJ/FBI FPC certification number. Many police departments no longer provide this service to the public.
Who May Request a Copy of a Record (or Proof That a Record Does Not Exist) Only you can request a copy of your own Identification Record. Typically, individuals make this request for a personal review or their record (if any), to challenge the information reflected on the record, to satisfy a regulatory requirement such as domestic and/or international child adoption, or perhaps to satisfy a requirement to travel, work, or live in a foreign country (i.e., Police Certificate, Letter of Good Conduct, Criminal Background, etc.).
To learn more about fingerprinting services for the FBI Hard Copy (or Fingerprint Ink Card FD-259) visit or contact us today at (888) 448-0848.