Live Scan Request Form, What is Live Scan?
Live Scan Request Form, What is Live Scan
What is a Live Scan Request Form?
A Live Scan Request Form is used to capture an applicant’s information along with the requesting agency in order to process criminal background check. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) are the two primary government agencies conducting such criminal back ground checks.
Live Scan Request Form
The Live Scan request form is to be provided by the requesting agency that is requiring the background check of the applicant.
The Live Scan applicant is to provide written information on the Live Scan Request Form that includes the applicant’s:
- First & Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Driver’s License Number
- Social Security Number
- Mailing Address
- Place of Birth
The Live Scan applicant is to provide the Live Scan Fingerprinting center with three (3) copies of the completed Live Scan Request Form. The Live Scan fingerprint technician will take the Live Scan Request Forms and enter their information on the form. Once the technician completes the electronic fingerprint process (Live Scan), they will retain the original Live Scan Request Form and give back two (2) copies to the applicant. The applicant will then provide the second copy to the requesting agency and retain the third copy for their personal record.
The Live Scan Request form may be in triplicate also and is usually identified at the top with the wording of “Request For Live Scan Service”. In addition, it might also be identified with the code BCII 8016, which is sometimes on the bottom or upper left corner of the form.
What is Live Scan Fingerprinting?
At California Live Scan Centers, we routinely get questions such as, “What is Live Scan?” Individuals seeking employment, obtaining a professional license, applying for adoption, or even just want to see (or not see) what information is on their criminal background check are candidates for Live Scan Fingerprinting.
Well you ask, what is Live Scan Fingerprinting?
Live Scan fingerprinting is a computerized process whereby an applicants fingerprints are digital captured (electronically scanned) and immediately transmitted securely via a specialized computer terminal to agencies as the DOJ, FBI, or other authorized receiving agency. Now, the digital fingerprints, along with the applicant’s identifying information provided on the Live Scan Request form are searched in the government’s data files for matches that reveal whether there is a criminal history record on the applicant.
California’s Live Scan Fingerprinting Center’s biometric electronic fingerprinting technology and resources replaces the process of recording an applicant’s fingerprint patterns through a fingerprint rolling process using ink and paper (called FBI Ink Fingerprint Card, FD-258). Rolled ink fingerprints have been smudged through handling and mailing, causing an applicant’s ink fingerprints to become illegible and rejected. Another issue was the slow process of conducting a criminal background check clearance, taking a long as a few months to complete. Whereas the a Live Scan process can provide results within days if not sooner.
Book an appointment!
California Live Scan Fingerprinting Centers, contact us today at (888) 448-0848